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        There are 558,000 people living in Tasmania, sometimes known as The Apple Isle, with 265,000 of them residing in the Greater Hobart metropolitan region, which is home to Tasmania’s capital. The primary industries in Tasmania are high-tech manufacturing, food and agriculture, international education, resources and energy, science and technology, and tourism.

        With an increase in job prospects, Tasmania’s economy is strong and expanding. The main industry in the state in terms of employment is health care and social assistance, followed by retail, education, and training. Around 10% of Tasmanians are working in the hotel and food services industry, which is significant to the state’s economy because of Tasmania’s natural beauty and distinctive experiences.

        The state’s construction industry has grown to be increasingly important and is a significant employment. Tasmania’s long-standing reputation for producing high-quality, agriculture, seafood and forestry products remains. The newest industries to Tasmania’s economy are the manufacture of specialist parts to maritime, defence and the film and television industry globally. Therefore, with an increase of people living and working in Tasmania, ID Issuance has become increasingly important in the Apple Isle.

        Want to learn more about ID Card Printers? Give us a call today.

        CSID (CardServ ID Pty Ltd) continue to service the State of Tasmania with the highest attention to customer service, when it comes to Instant ID Issuance for organisations. CSID has been 100% Australian-owned and operated since 1997. We have exclusive distribution rights for the world leading Entrust Instant Issuance Desktop ID Card Printer Technology throughout the Isle of Tasmania and the wider Australia. Our ID Card Printer products and services include Physical ID and Digital ID solutions, ID Card Printer supplies (ribbons, cards, cleaning kits), ID Card accessories (lanyards, card holders/badges/reels) and ID Issuance Software.

        CSID solutions are market leaders in Tasmania for secure IDs (Physical IDs and Digital IDs) for:
        • Corporate Enterprise – Access Control and Photo-ID cards/badges
        • Education and Research Facilities – Schools, Universities, TAFE, Colleges, and Institutions
        • Aged Care Facilities
        • Healthcare Organisations
        • Government facilities

        CSID’s customers print over 50,000 ID Cards per day, through our ID Card Printers. CSID have qualified and highly experienced Service Technicians all throughout Australia with the ability to service Tasmanian clients’ ID Card Printers as needed. Our extensive and professional team of Sales, Service, Marketing, Credit and Logistics assist our customers secure their organisations people and premises.

        Get in touch today to learn more about an ID Card Printer for your organisation.

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